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Info for Student Associations

The transition to university is an exciting and liberating experience.

This is why our university program seeks to meet students in the midst of this fundamental time of life, to support them with a shoulder to lean on and a positive peer presence.

Red Frogs aim to provide direct relief to students during potentially harmful situations.

#How we help

Event Support & Student Welfare

Our crew provide direct relief in the form of ‘hydration stations’ which allow us to create a safe space for people to rehydrate, take a breather and chat with someone. By having a presence in party environments our crew are able to reduce the risk of harmful behaviours and potential incidents.

Alcohol-Free Events

All year-round Red Frogs can assist or run events which are alcohol-free and inclusive of students who are under the age of 18. Red Frogs host cafe crawls, games nights, random acts of pancakes, BBQs - the list goes on!

Student Training

Red Frogs want to share our message and help shape culture through equipping the leaders of tomorrow.

Market Day

Not only do Red Frogs make your Market Day fun and engaging but we will keep an eye out for anyone who looks like they need some support.

#BOOK RED FROGS – Let's chat about how we can work together