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Info for Agencies and Businesses

For nearly a decade our volunteers have been the eyes and ears out on the streets, providing a positive peer presence to young people and lending a helping hand in their time of need.

In situations such as the New Years period, excessive consumption of alcohol and other substances means often things can get a little out of hand, causing issues for party-goers as well as the surrounding community and businesses. That's why Red Frogs is here to help.

Red Frogs partners with local councils, emergency services, event organisers and other key stakeholders to help safeguard the young people that converge on their area, whether they are local or from out of town.

Creating a Safer Community for Young People.

#What Red Frogs Do

The Red Frogs crew help safeguard young people and the communities they celebrate New Years in through:

Chillout / Safe Zones

Chillout / Safe Zones

Roaming Teams

Roaming Teams

Partnering with Emergency Services / Key Stakeholders

Partnering with Emergency Services / Key Stakeholders

Pancake Cook Ups

Pancake Cook Ups

Diversionary events

Diversionary events



Emotional Support

Emotional Support

Red Frog Lollies

Red Frog Lollies

#Red Frogs New Years 2024/25 Locations





Our Red Frogs volunteers come from all across New Zealand - and even Australia - to help safeguard young people at New Years.